
Inte alltid så lätt att skriva en ansökan – ibland kan det bli fel…

Många forskare använder samma ansökan vid olika ansökningstillfällen (Vetenskapsrådet, Cancerfonden etc.) varav en del rekommenderar engelska, därför har vi också den möjligheten.

När man skriver en forskningsansökan är det viktigt att vara klar över syftet med projektet och den kompetens, som finns hos huvudsökande och forskargruppen.

Detta har tagits ad notam i många ansökningar, men jag tror inte att dessa formuleringar rekommenderats av rådgivarna från vår ”senior faculty”.

”The human aspect of the protocol is, to the best of our knowledge, internationally unique, the equipment used is state-of-the-art, and most of the questions addressed have not yet been answered in humans”

”Our group is in a unique position to perform these studies. Our rat models have been widely published, with interventions showing significant change”.

”The planned studies will give new and unique insight into several aspects of these diseases, including their aetiology, side effects of new treatments and consequences of such treatments at a community level. The cohorts planned to be used in these studies are unique and there exist few settings in which similar studies could be conducted.”

”Our application is very well timed and intellectually and technically we are well positioned for such competition.”

”I am one of he most cited scientists at our department (of course with the exception of world class scientists”.

”Given the fact that the Medical Faculty invested a substantial amount of money in recruiting me, it would be a sad waste of that investment”.

”We are in a unique position to characterize functional and molecular alterations …. due to our internationally leading expertise in advanced ….and our extensive experience in characterizing …”

“I am a promising young physician-scientist”

“is the most advanced and therefore places my laboratory at Lund University in the technological lead position with international laboratories.”

Bengt Jeppsson

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